10 Typical Signs of Kidney Disease and How to Prevent It

Signs of kidney disease are usually very faint until the disease is in its advanced stages. If there is one of the following signs, you need to pay attention to the examination to be detected and treated in a timely manner.

Signs of kidney disease

If you have one of the following signs, you should go to a hospital or medical center for a check-up and get early advice:

Changes in urination: Changes such as excessive urination at night, foamy urine, more/less urine than usual, and pale/dark urine, bloody urine, feeling tense or difficult to urinate,...

Edema: Damaged kidneys do not remove excess fluid. Therefore, fluid builds up in the body causing you to have edema in your legs, ankles, feet, face,...

Fatigue: Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow. When the kidneys are damaged, they produce less erythropoietin, the body has fewer red blood cells transporting oxygen so the muscles and mind get tired quickly. This condition is called anemia due to kidney failure.

Itching: The kidneys have the function of removing scum from the blood. When the kidneys are impaired, the accumulation of these waste products in the blood can cause itching in the skin.

Ammonia-smelling breath: The accumulation of waste products in the blood (known as urea syndrome) makes food taste different and the breath smells.

Nausea and vomiting: Urea causes nausea and vomiting.

Shallow breathing: It is due to excess fluid accumulating in the lungs accompanied by anemia (a deficiency of oxygen-transporting red blood cells) that produces shallow breathing.

Chills: Anemia can make you feel cold all the time, even in a room with a humid temperature.

Dizziness, dizziness, and distraction: Anemia prevents the brain from getting enough oxygen. This can affect memory, causing distraction, dizziness and dizziness.

Back/side pain: Some people with kidney disease may have pain in their back or ribs.

General principles for the prevention of kidney disease

To prevent the risk of kidney disease, you need to drink enough water every day; follow a reasonable and balanced diet to avoid weight gain and excess cholesterol; limiting salt intake - a factor that promotes hypertension; do not smoke because smoking makes kidney disease progress faster; exercise every day; do not take the drug without the instructions of the doctor because some drugs are harmful to the kidneys; do not abuse laxatives and diuretics.

Depending on the level of kidney failure, patients need to eat lightly, abstain from fat, reduce protein; take medications for hypertension, anti-anemia,... According to the doctor's instructions. Besides proper diet, patients need to have time to rest, avoid overactivity because at this time the condition is very weak, always in a lack of energy.

In addition, you can use health food whose main ingredient is Gardenia. Product also has a combination with danshen (red sage), agarwood, Fuling (Poria cocos Wolf), Orthosiphon Stamineus (Java or Cat's Whiskers), Astragalus Propinquus (Mongolian milkvetch), Broadleaf Plantain, Reishi mushroom to help diuretic kidneys, good use for people with kidney failure, poor kidney function.

KidneysHelp.com - Better Kidneys Possible

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